Our Exciting Initiative in Action
At the Mahaney Roofing Company, we believe many individuals can be restored to a state that allows them to thrive as skilled workers and to combat both poverty and brokenness. We help such ones through “power of influence” tactics that have included an emphasis on hope and a future along with leadership training that can serve as an activator/skills builder.
Employee Spotlight
Tim Tyler started with Mahaney as a basic roofer, eventually became a service technician and is now our service superintendent. The leadership training and guidance Tim has received at Mahaney has enabled him to grow personally and professionally, as well as enabled him to help other employees, some of whom were previously experiencing poverty and brokenness.
Name: Tim Tyler
Position: Service Superintendent
Testimonial: “The most important thing I have learned from leadership training is how the manor in which I work with others can have such an impact. Before, I was very judgmental of the people I worked with, who were mostly laborers. I would not take the time to train or teach. I have seen really great results from taking the time to teach and show by example.”
Valuable Thoughts from Other Employees
"My personal life has changed since the leadership training classes started. I feel like I am looking at the same situations with different eyes.”
“Leadership training is huge. Taking the time to teach these lessons, tips and strategies helps everyone. Most of what is taught should be common sense, but common sense isn't very common.”
"Leadership training has taught me to be more patient by slowing down and listening to the opinions of others. I have learned how to be a leader and not just a boss.”
"The most valuable lesson I've taken from the training is the process of properly diagnosing a situation. Instead of jumping to a conclusion and making a rash decision, I have learned to analyze all aspects of a situation and take more time to come up with a plan.”
Do you have a personal story or a story about an employee or coworker that demonstrates how those experiencing poverty and brokenness can be restored?
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Mahaney Careers from Mahaney Roofing on Vimeo.